[Interview] Fabian Dittrich from helpando.it

Every week, we share the story of an inspiring Remote Worker and Remotive reader, here is Fabian's story:

1.- Can you please tell us a bit more about: Who are you, and what do you do? :)

My name is Fabian Dittrich. I run helpando.it, a company which helps other companies to improve their customer service using cloud based tools.

I manage this company while on the road, currently crossing South America from South to North in a rolling office - a land rover defender from 1997.

I initiated StartupDiaries.org, a series of videos documenting how me and my colleagues manage a company from the road and interview other people who also found alternative work models.

2.- Why do you work remotely, and how does it feel?

I just love traveling, other cultures and learning languages. I feel like a sponge who needs to absorb stories of other people and tell them. I am a serendipity addict and try to master the skill of being in the present, totally open to whatever might happen and going with the flow.

This works better in other countries than my home country Germany. I like places where serendipity is in the air: Morocco, Mali, Jamaica to name a few. In order to be able to travel so much working remotely is the only option.

3.- What software do you use?

Calendly & Google Cal - easy scheduling of calls, removes pain of time zone calculations - absolutely essential when having daily calls and clients in different time zones.

Automatic SMS & email reminders, 1h and 5 minutes prior to calls Basecamp - central project management tool for communication, assets and task management Skype: remarkable tool and I'm grateful that we can communicate with most of our clients on a one-on-one basis for free Evernote: storing my multiple phone numbers, details about client calls, making pictures of where I parked the car - I use evernote at least 10 times per day Remote server: We have a server which is located in the US and has great bandwidth.

We can remotely log in via the command line (using the phones 3G connection) and remotely control the server to perform tasks that needs high bandwidth and high processing power ForeverMap 2 & Waze Offline and online map to navigate through South America. Waze is a "social GPS" learning about traffic jams from other users.

4.- What would be your ideal setup?

I pretty much got it: A rolling office with solar panels, three sleeping places, a fridge and 80 liters of fresh water.

The only thing missing is a satellite internet connection which currently still is a bit too expensive. Pre paid sim cards with rechargeable data volume does it for now.

Thanks Fabian! You can find Fabian on Twitter over here :)

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